Google Maps Youtube Search Script
A script to display videos recorded near your users location or any other location. Use the simple API to dynamically or statically filter the videos by keyword. Easy integration with your website.
- Displays videos on an existing Google Map
- Uses HTML5 features if available (like geolocation)
- Simple API and simple integration
- Search Youtube based on map location and radius
- Videos are displayed in a “lightbox” popup on click (easily overriden with Api call)
- Optimized and commented Javascript with MVC and Pubsub patterns
- Prepared for Localization and language change
- Client side only and no dependencies
- Supports older browsers (like IE7)
For more information please contact me on email or reach out to me at @andregoncalves.
Privacy Policy and Terms of Service
By using this site and script you agree with YouTube Terms of Service and Google Privacy Policy.
Widget integration code
mappeo.initialize({ container: 'map', filter: 'drone', geolocation: false, latitude: 37.73846049959617, longitude: -119.21915719443507, zoom: 8, orderBy: 'relevance', scrollwheel: false, channelId: false, gMapsApiKey: '', youTubeApiKey: ' ', draggable: true, markerClusterer: true, minimumClusterSize: 5 }); /* Other initialization parameters mapType: "ROADMAP", markerIcon: "url_for_icon_image", author: "youtube username", orderBy: "popular" or "rating" or "relevance" or "published", onVideoOpen: function callback(video) {} // return false to prevent default popup styles: map styling, ex: styles :[ { stylers: [ { hue: "#00ffe6" }, { saturation: -20 } ] },{ featureType: "road", elementType: "geometry", stylers: [ { lightness: 100 }, { visibility: "simplified" } ] },{ featureType: "road", elementType: "labels", stylers: [ { visibility: "off" } ] } ] */ function search() { var search_input = document.getElementById('filter'); mappeo.setFilter(search_input.value); }
Other Projects
Open Source
- A modern boilerplate structure for creating React Components with TypeScript and Rollup
- A modern boilerplate structure for React TypeScript and Rollup projects
- A lightweight stencil web component to display iOS style toggle checkbox
- A web component for Skycons weather icons
- A web component to generate a country list drop down (select)
- A web component to generate a simple time picker drop down (select)
- A web component to easily display a popup menu on hover (or click) another element.